23.4. — 28.4.2024
23.4. — 28.4.2024
4. InternationalMusic Competition
Category A
(born 2015 and later)
max. performance time: 8 min.
- Programme of the contestant’s choice
Category B
(born 2013 – 2014)
max. performance time: 12 min.
- one Etude of the contestant’s choice
- two contrasting pieces for cello with piano accompaniment of the contestant’s choice.
Category C
(born 2010 - 2012)
max performance time: 15 min.
- One Etude by the following composers: D. Popper, J. L. Duport, F. Dotzauer, J. Merk, A. Franchomme or others of similar level of difficulty
- One movement from a Concerto and one piece or two contrasting pieces for cello with piano accompaniment of the contestant’s choice.
Category D
(born 2006 - 2009)
performance time: n/a the Jury has the right to interrupt the performance.
The competition will be divided into two rounds:
1) Preliminary round:
- One Etude by the following composers: F. Dotzauer, D. Popper op. 73, F. Grützmacher op. 38, C. A. Piatti, A. F. Servais op. 11 or others of similar level of difficulty.
- A virtuosic piece with piano accompaniment.
- One short piece cantabile of the contestant’s choice (e.g. F. Fauré Apres un reve, F. Fauré Sicilienne, F. Fauré Elegie, J. Massenet Thais Meditation, A. Dvorak Klid, M. Bruch Kol Nidrei, F. Schubert Impromptu, C. Saint Saëns Il cigno, itd.)
2) Final round:
- A Prelude or two contrasting Movements from a Suite by J. S. Bach
- One movement from a Concerto of the contestant’s choice.
Category E
(born 2000 - 2005)
performance time: n/a the Jury has the right to interrupt the performance.
The competition will be divided into two rounds:
1) Preliminary round:
- Prelude to Cello Suite No. 4, 5, or 6 by J. S. Bach
- Two Etudes or Capricci by the following composers: F. Dotzauer, D. Popper op. 73, F. Grützmacher op. 38, C. A. Piatti, A. F. Servais op. 11. The Jury will select one Etude for the contestant to perform.
- First Movement of a Sonata from the period of L. van Beethoven onwards.
2) Final round:
- 1st Movement or 2nd and 3rd movement of a Concerto (from Haydn onwards), or a Concertante piece such as Tchaikovsky’s Rococo variations (for cello with piano accompaniment). Two movements of Elgar’s Concertos are also admitted.
- A virtuosic piece with piano accompaniment.
N.B.: The Concertos should be performed from memory.
Musica Goritiensis competition secretary office
Viale XX Settembre, 85 34170 Gorizia (Italy)