23.4. — 28.4.2024
23.4. — 28.4.2024
4. InternationalMusic Competition
Category A
(born 2015 and younger)
Performance time: min 5 min. – max 8 min.
- Programme of the contestant’s choice
Category B
(born 2013 and 2014)
Performance time: min 8 min. – max 12 min.
- one Etude of the candidate’s choice.
- one piece for solo violin and piano of the contestant’s choice.
Category C
(born 2010 – 2012)
Performance time: min 12 min. – max 16 min.
- one Etude of the candidate’s choice.
- one or more pieces for solo violin or violin and piano of the contestant’s choice.
Category D
(born 2006 – 2009)
Performance time: n/a, the Jury has the right to interrupt the performance.
Pieces performed in the elimination round may not be repeated in the final round.
The competition will be divided into two rounds:
1) Preliminary round, performance time: min 12 min. – max 15 min
- one Etude of the contestant’s choice, comparable to the difficulty of J. Dont op.35, R. Kreuzer, F. Fiorillo, P. Rode, etc.
- one fast movement of a baroque or classical concerto composed before 1800.
2) Final round, performance time: min 12 min. – max 18 min.
- one movement of the contestant’s choice from the sonatas or partitas by J.S. Bach
- one or more pieces of the contestant’s choice for violin solo or violin and piano, composed after 1800.
Category E
(born 2000 – 2005)
Performance time: n/a, the Jury has the right to interrupt the performance.
Pieces performed in the elimination round may not be repeated in the final round.
The competition will be divided into two rounds:
1) Preliminary round, performance time: min 15 min. – max 20 min.
- one Etude of the contestant’s choice, comparable to the difficulty of N. Paganini op.1, H. Wieniawski op.10 / op.18, etc.
- one movement of the contestant’s choice from the sonatas or partitas by J.S. Bach.
- one fast movement of the contestant’s choice from one of the concertos by W.A. Mozart.
2) Final round, performance time: min 15 min. – max 20 min.
- one fast movement of the contestant’s choice from a violin concerto composed after 1800.
- one or more Virtuosic pieces of the contestant’s choice for violin solo or violin and piano.
N.B.: The Concertos should be performed from memory.
Musica Goritiensis competition secretary office
Viale XX Settembre, 85 34170 Gorizia (Italy)